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Inviato: 28/11/2009, 17:58
da AlexEyes
Welcome to all international Joe's fans!!!We hope that we have created a special kind of place that you will want to come back to on a regular basis.
So take a moment and introduce yourself please.Also we have the Chat, there is usually someone in there. I think it's a great way to get to know each other and have "real time" conversations.
A big hug to all of you and enjoy your stay here!!
Alex yahoo
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 28/11/2009, 18:08
da AlexEyes
So let me introduce my self first
Hi to everyone , I'm alex
I love G.I. Joe since I was a kid......
I created a tons of battles all around my house and enjoying them as well.
Every day, I waited to hear the school bell ring, sign that I would be came back to my Home for watching another G.I. Joe's episode eating a delightfull pasta dish made up by my granma.... what a wonderfull moment!!!!
Growing up, my interest towards Joes went away.. and I got lost all my toys too.....
Many years later, about 10, I found this amazing Forum and I restarted collecting them!!
I also met great person in here and now we are good friend too
A big hug to all of you!!!
Ciao and welcome!
Inviato: 28/11/2009, 21:04
da Neapolitan Joe
Welcome from Neapolitan Joe.
To all the "international" G.I.JOE fans!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 28/11/2009, 23:31
da Euphoric Entrapment
Hello everyone, here you are all welcome!
in Italy we are FEW but GOOD,
for anything not hesitate to ask,
Joes are always here!

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:09
da airedevon
Yay!!! yahoo yahoo THANK YOU so much for adding this English speaking section!!!!
I look forward to many good discussions about Joes!
I am so very interested in learning more about Joes in Italy!
May I start with a question? I have never seen a European Exclusive Tiger Force figure in Italian packaging... (Outback, Psyche Out, Blizzard etc).
But it would make sense that they were released there...
So, my question: Were the exclusive Tiger Force figures released in Italy?
And if so, can someone post pictures? (I would LOVE to see them!!!)
I hope to get to know you all better in the coming months!

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:24
da Viper69
Hello everyone !

Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:25
da Neapolitan Joe
Her Majesty...AIREDEVON!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:27
da Euphoric Entrapment
Hello Airedevon, WELCOME!!!
That's a good surpsise to find you here,
Big compliments for your IMMENSE COLLECTION!!!

here everyone knows it
for your question we need to wait the "MOC" collectors

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:42
da Helix
I'm so glad you joined us.
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 01/12/2009, 23:58
da Fawkes

Your huge collection is awesome and the room with the Terrordrome and the mountains too is fantastic !
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:16
da airedevon
Thank you all for your very kind

This is a really friendly place
I am glad you liked the pictures of my collection - it has been a lot of fun to put together!
I love looking at collector's Joe collections, too!
I am familiar with some pictures of the collection of Neopolitan Joe! VERY NICE!!!!! Great set-ups!
Are there pictures of his collection and other Italian Joe collections on this site?
More pictures the better!!!

(I hope that means "cool" :-) )
Thanks again!!!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:18
da airedevon
Euphoric Entrapment ha scritto: for your question we need to wait the "MOC" collectors

Thank you for letting me, know!
I am very curious

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:19
da Neapolitan Joe
Thank You!
Grazie means thank you.
We have other good collectors here, better then me!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:21
da airedevon
Neapolitan Joe ha scritto:
Grazie means thank you.

sorry! (Now that I think about it, it makes sense: grazie... gracias....)
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:23
da Neapolitan Joe
I'm very happy You are here!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:25
da Euphoric Entrapment
Aire there are some photos of our collections,
collezione means collection, you can follow this ... m.php?f=20

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:32
da Snow Serpent
Hi Airedevon and welcome in Italy, it's a big pleasure 'to meet you up' on the net.
I've never thought one day me speaking with you and all these fantastic guys about our delicious addiction, let's say...G.I.Joe!
What about your collection... speachless!!
By the way, don't take it easy, here in Italy we can have big surprises for you also, stay tuned and have a lot of fun on these pages !
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:37
da airedevon
May I make a request?
It would be awesome if you guys could post something about yourselves....
How long have you collected Joe?
What is your favorite part of Joe - years? Joe or Cobra? new or old? etc...
How old are you? Are you students or do you work?
Did you play with Joes when you were young children?
Did you buy most of your Joes in Italy, or did you buy them from other countries?
For me, here is my story :-)
My favorite part of Joes are the older vintage joes. (I like the new ones, but I like the old ones MUCH more!)
I have been collecting Joes by myself for about 10 years.
Before that, I collected with my sons. We started the collection in the early 80's and I never stopped :-)
Now they are both at University. (My younger son is in the army and he is also going to school)
I am old... I am 56...
I have bought most of my Joes from all around the world. I don't think I have a favorite line... All of them have special aspects that I love!
I love setting up Joe dioramas, but lately I have not had much time to do that...
I am still working on my book, and with a little luck, the first volumes (vehicles) will be available in 2010.
Starting on December 31 of this year, I will no longer collect Joes. I will officially end my collection there. I am very happy about this decision. It will allow me the time to concentrate on finishing the book (instead of endlessly chasing figures :-)
I also collect vintage 12" Joes including Polistil Action Team, and Baravelli GI Joe.
Everything Joe is exciting to me!!!
Oh - And my VERY favorite part of Joe collecting is making friends! I have met so many wonderful people from countries everywhere!
It is so great that there is so much international interaction - with collectors helping each other all the time!
It makes me very happy!
Thank you again for making this discussion possible!
Take care, all - I hope to hear your stories!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:42
da airedevon

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:52
da Snow Serpent
56? old? Naaa, you're just getting more wisdom, for instance you're letting joe collectors extend their collection !

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 0:57
da Neapolitan Joe
I'm 31.
I started collecting in 1986/7.
The great part of my collection is from U.S.A.. I'm buyng on ebay since May 2006.
My favourite Joes are Sgt.Slaughter and Chuckles, I prefer ARAH Joes.
My girlfriend "Helix" is a Joe addicted too and helps me in my purchases.
I'm a lawyer.
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 1:05
da Euphoric Entrapment
Wounderful story Aire
i know about your book, and i'm waiting it
i'm 22 years old,
i study at the Academy of Fine Arts and also work (part-time job).
i've seen for the first time the G.i. joe crew on tv, age of 3 years...
for a few time i found them in the toy centers, but in the mid of '90 they were cancelled on the face of Italy
really strange thing...
and than i started to collect joes 3/4 years ago,
i love ARAH, customs, playsets, and earth-vehicles!
I can not imagine your great satisfaction when uttered these words " I will officially end my collection there." a cathartic moment!

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 1:08
da Euphoric Entrapment
airedevon ha scritto:AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!!

Thank you very much! yahoo
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 1:12
da Sgt. Slaughter
welcommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! ciao!!

Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 3:30
da AlexEyes
OMG !!!!
Aire HI,
Do you remember me??? It's me Alex, A long time has passed since we've written each other some emails, maybe more than six or seven months.
I'm so happy to meet you here. A lot of things are changed... the bad things seems to be gone , and now I'm happy.
I've met Manu (the spanish guy) this summer, I went to his country for holiday!!! I spent a great moment with him.
How is your day going?I hope you and your family are in good health and doing well!!!
About European Exclusive Tiger Force figure in Italian packaging... i never seen them too, I think they were released only in the northern part of the Europe, but not in Italy. I've only seen them in Spanish packaging, or in English packaging.
I'm sure the only Exclusive MOCs that were released in italy are Mutt & Junkyard and Spirit.
Hope this help
Take care, Alex
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 11:40
da lucius
Hi Airedevon!
I'm Lucius.

I know the Joes since I was a little boy, when for the first time I saw the cartoon on Italian local tv station "Odeon TV". I played with them. My first G.I. Joe is Snake Eyes '83, brought in Italian store "Standa" in the late eighties.
In 2003 I created "The G.I. Joe Italian Site" and in the 2004 "The G.I. Joe Italian Forum". Now with the help of all the Italian Community "G.I. Joe Italia".
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 13:10

you are already a myth!!! I saw your collection pics: AMAZING!!!!
Let me introduce myself in this English section and please forgive any bad english usage/mistake!!!! I used to travel a lot and work with other foreign people from Europe and U.S.A. but in the last year I'm stuck here in the north east of Italy, not too far from Venice and I'm afraid I'm losing my English knowledge day by day!!!
Anyway, as regards G.I. Joe, I discovered them in 1986 (I was 10 at that time) on a comic advertisement and I fell in love with Snake Eyes, his black combat suit, his katana and Timber!!! And I loved to watch the G.I. Joe cartoons on tv. But somehow I never managed to buy a Joe

they disappeared from the italian shops and none of my friends liked them!!
When I found them again 3 years later, I was on holiday in Barcelona on a big shopping mall and it was my birthday

And my dad gave me the chance to choose the present I wanted!!! My eyes were on... Snake Eyes of course hahah but... the young boy was starting to grow and my teen mood made me choose for a Transvision Vamp pop-rock musicassette instead!!!
So it took me about other 20 years.... e-bay era when I finally bought my first G.I. Joe, Snake Eyes with Timber the Wolf (Valor vs Venom)!!!
And now I'm fond of 25th and Rise of Cobra releases! And my collection has finally started (at the age of 33!!)
Hope you will feel good here in this forum of great fans and very good friends!!!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 13:49
da Dark 5cythe
Hello everyone!
I am Dark 5cythe, Site Administrator at the
I must say I do like the colors you have chosen here and am interested in seeing how GIJOE is enjoyed and perceived around the world. Ive been collecting JOES since I was maybe 6 years old.
My favorite JOES are Sgt. Slaughter and the Crimson Guard (he was my first JOE that I remember) I recently graduated from college and am a computer Animator
look forward to meeting new fans!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 13:52
da Neapolitan Joe
Welcome on board, Sir!
It is an honour for us to have You here too!
Re: Welcome!!!
Inviato: 02/12/2009, 13:58

!!!! is a great place!!!